Mikhail Novikov On Prospects Of Using High-Temperature Superconductors In Magnetic Systems Of Charged Particle Accelerators

09 августа 2024 15:35

The fourth lecture of the joint educational project of the Vyzov Foundation for the Development of Scientific and Cultural Relations, Kurilka Gutenberga, N+1 and NUST MISIS took place.

The lecture was dedicated to the prospects of using high-temperature superconductors in magnetic systems of charged particle accelerators.  

Speaker:   Mikhail Novikov, head of high-temperature superconducting magnets sector at the Scientific Experimental Department of Superconducting Magnets and Technologies of the Accelerator Department at JINR Laboratory of High Energy Physics. He is co-author of the technology that received the VYZOV National Prize for Future Technologies in "Engineering Solution" category in 2023.  

The audience explored the history of using superconducting magnetic systems on accelerators at JINR, and learned about projects and developments, production and testing equipment for manufacturing HTS magnets.

Enjoy the video:  


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